18.3. Quality Controls
At http://www.akc.org/dna/dna_faqs.cfm, the American Kennel Club (“AKC”) states,
“How are the samples processed?
For the Compliance Audit, AKC staff members collect, identify, seal and mail the samples to AKC. For the DNA Profile Program, the owner or owner’s agent collects the sample and mails it to the AKC, where the samples are entered into the database, bar-coded for reference, and batched for shipment to the laboratory (Neogen). After processing by Neogen, the resulting genotypes are transmitted to AKC for inclusion in the AKC DNA Database.
What is the Compliance Audit Program?
The Compliance Audit Program is a mandatory part of the Inspections program and includes the use of DNA for parentage verification. Breeders are selected on a random basis by AKC management for routine kennel inspections. All costs connected with DNA processing and analysis will be paid by the AKC, except retesting of excluded litters. An administrative fee of $250 will be charged when a breeder/owner requests retesting of an excluded litter.
As a breeder/owner/broker using AKC services, what happens if I refuse to make my dogs available during a routine kennel inspection?
Refusing to make dogs available for DNA testing is considered the same as refusing inspection and may result in action by the AKC Management Disciplinary Committee. Inspection procedures provide that the AKC has the right to inspect the records required to be kept and to examine any dog registered or to be registered with the American Kennel Club. Such examination may include DNA tests or other procedures at the discretion of the AKC. Responsible breeders with accurate records have everything to gain by incorporation of these DNA tests into the routine inspection program.”
No indications have been found that the American Dog Breeders Association, United Kennel Club, American Bully Kennel Club or any other “kennel club” or “registry” has any quality control procedures.