18.4.8. American Canine Association, Inc. (“ACA”)
At http://acafaq.com/, the American Canine Association, Inc. (“ACA”) states,
“1) Q. How do I register a dog from a different registry?
A. You will need to send in a COPY of the front and back of your current registration certification showing your name as the owner along with a 3 generation pedigree and the processing fee. If you are transferring ownership from the previous owner listed on the registration certificate you will also need to fill in the transfer section on the back of the certificate.
9) Q. How can I register a dog that has no papers?
A. Dogs that do not have papers cannot be registered with the ACA because we are a pure-breed only registry and require documented lineage. However, dogs that do not have documented lineage can be registered with the International Canine Association (ICA) at www.icapets.com
19) Q. If one of the parents is ICA can I register the litter with ACA?
A. ACA is a pure breed registry for canines that are proven to have 3 or more generations of lineage that have been certified by another sanctioned registry.”
[Why didn’t they say “yes” or “no”?]