18.4.6. North American Purebred Registry, Inc. (“NAPR”)
The “North American Purebred Registry, Inc.” at www.purebredregistry.com/ states,
“The North American Purebred Registry, Inc. (NAPR) is a professional dog registry service that registers and issues registration certificates, commonly referred to as dog papers.”
At http://www.purebredregistry.com/FAQ.html it states,
“Q. I have a dog that is NAPR registered that I want to breed with a non-NAPR registered dog. May I register their litter?
Yes, as long as the sire and dam are purebred dogs and are registered with a registry, the litter may be registered with us. It is advisable, however, to individually register the parents with us so their NAPR registration number will be listed on the new litter registration certificates. At least one parent of the litter must be registered with the NAPR.”
As at January 2, 2017, the preceding link has been deleted. However, at https://purebredregistry.formstack.com/forms/litter_dog_application__copy-v3, it is stated,
“To register a litter of pups, the sire and dam must be registered with a registry. If the sire and dam are not registered, they may be individually registered with the North American Purebred Registry, Inc. The fields with an asterisk are required.”
A listing of the dog’s pedigree is not required. Therefore, it appears that any dog can be registered without a pedigree and/or verification of the pedigree.
At http://www.purebredregistry.com/litter-registration.html, it is stated,
“Why Register?
- Most people want papers when they go to buy a puppy
- Registration ensures that your dog’s pedigree remains intact and any future offspring will be properly documented
- It is an essential step in responsible pet ownership”
If the registration applications do not require a pedigree and/or the pedigree is not verified, how can anyone “ensures that your dog’s pedigree remains intact”?
At https://purebredregistry.formstack.com/forms/individual_dog_application__copy-v3 and https://purebredregistry.formstack.com/forms/litter_dog_application__copy-v3, it is stated,
“By submitting this application, you are attesting that the dog represented here is a purebred breed of dog (stated above) and you are the owner of the dog. The North American Purebred Registry, Inc. (NAPR) will review each application. Approved applications will receive a registration certificate. The NAPR reserves the right to accept or reject any application for any cause. A rejected application is rare and the application fee will be refunded in full if this happens.”
If most people “want papers when they go to buy a puppy” and there is no pedigree and/or there is no verification of a pedigree, is this the basis for a “scam”?
Is all of the “registration” of dog breeds really a “scam”?
At https://www.formstack.com/forms/?1363307-53TVzQTC8p, it states,
Put your cursor inside the frame and scroll down
and sideways to view all of the information.
As at January 2, 2017, the preceding link is to a web page that has been changed, but still achieves the same objective.