11.0. Kennel Clubs
The largest “registries” of “American Pit Bull Terriers” (“APBT”) are the American Dog Breeders Association (“ADBA”) and the United Kennel Club (“UKC”). The American Bully Kennel Club “(ABKC”) is a newer organization created by the UKC that will “register” an APBT as an “American Bully Breed”. However, there are many other “registries” of so-called APBT.
At http://www.thefreedictionary.com/registry, the Free Dictionary defines a registry as,
“A book for official records.
The place where such records are kept.”
At http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/american_english/registry, the Oxford Dictionaries defines a registry as,
“A place or office where registers or records are kept.”
At http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/registry, the Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines a registry as,
“a place where official records are kept
a book or system for keeping an official list or record of items”
At http://www.macmillandictionary.com/us/dictionary/american/registry, the MacMillan Dictionary defines a registry as,
“a collection of official records, or the place where it is kept”
At http://www.akc.org/about/glossary/, the American Kennel Club defines registries as,
“Organizations that keep official records on specific subjects. With respect to dogs, there are registries of purebred dogs for tracking lineage and health registries for rating certain health conditions, e.g., Orthopedic Foundation for Animals, etc.).”
The following are a few details about some of those registries, but the list does not include all of them: however, it should provide an insight into the animals that are being “registered” and whether they are the same type of dog.