2.0. Introduction

A Breed of Dogs Called “Pit Bulls”: Fact or Myth?
By Frank Velasquez

Many disagreements arise when two or more parties who believe they are discussing the same thing are in fact using the same words, terms and phrases, but with different meanings.  In an attempt to prevent this from happening, definitions have been inserted throughout this document to try to insure that there are no misunderstandings regarding the meaning of the words, terms or phrases used in this document.

Throughout this document emphasis have been added to certain words and phrases by putting them in quotation marks “       ”, brackets [         ],  underlining or bold text.

The opinions expressed in this document are solely those of the author. The readers are welcomed to come to their own conclusions.

This document is offered to any interested party at no charge to them.  However, the author requests the following, if possible.

1. Distribute this document to as many people as you can by whatever means you have available, i.e., Social Media, personal contacts, emails, websites, webpages, etc. The author’s wish is that the injustice that is being perpetrated upon defenseless dogs be ended, and the owners of dogs that are involved in unacceptable activities be held to account for their irresponsible behavior, i.e., failure to adequately train and/or supervise their animals at all times.

2. Spay and neuter all of your animals. There are too many already, and the fates strays meet are often horrendous.

3. Do not buy animals from anyone. Go to a shelter and save a life.  There are always too many fine animals at all of the shelters. They cost a lot less, and in our experience, they seem to “understand” and “appreciate” the home, food and care that you will provide.

4. If you can make a donation to a local Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Humane Society, local “no kill” shelters, etc., please do so.

5. Contact you federal, state and local politicians and try to educate them on this issue. It is not the dog: it is the owner. The owners of the animals are the ones who know them best. If they are responsible owners, solicit their information and heed their advice.

6. Veterinarians and animal control officials are not as knowledgeable about animal behavior as responsible owners because their contact with the animals is very limited, and typically not very favorable, i.e., they are in a rush and cannot get to know the animal because there are other animals who are waiting and have to be tended to. Some of the most knowledgeable people are going to be the ones who have owned and lived with the animals. However, if those owners are irresponsible, then they should be avoided.

Note the information contained in this document is the result of research of documents dating from 1209 A.D. to the present. In the beginning, it was for my personal enlightenment, then for an article and finally for this document. Consequently, citations for the earliest comments are not included, but for the latest ones, they are.

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